Our Roots Run Deep.
The Kingsway churches trace their origin back to a group of ex-hippies in the 1970's who moved to California during the Jesus People movement to establish a training center for Christian leaders. We are grateful to have played a key role in bringing churches in our area together over the years, such as through Pray the Bay, Alpha Dinners 2003, and the Transformational Alliance of Santa Clara County (TASCC). We are continually seeking new ways to serve God and spread His Kingdom throughout the Bay Area and around the world.
Growing out of that seeking, in 2012 Kingsway Church began exploring more effective ways to impact our communities with the power of the Gospel. We started with a "church spread" model, which involved raising up new leaders and planting campuses in different neighborhoods. Our latest pivot in early 2017 brought everyone back to a single campus under a team of bi-vocational leaders. We will continue to worship at our current location until God compels us again to move and grow—embarking us on a new chapter for Kingsway Community Church.